Monday, January 25, 2010

Block Teaching

Sorry, I've been MIA. I was on winter break and was getting no experience working with students, taking any courses, or creating any lesson plans, so I didn't have many "classroom moments" to blog about.

However, the semester has begun! I'm into week two, and on February 1st, I will begin student teaching in a third grade classroom!

I'm pretty excited, more excited than nervous, although I do have to teach 30 lesson plans, two will be observed by my university professor, and one will be videotaped! How nerve wrecking!!! Luckily, I love my university professor and feel very comfortable around her which makes it that much easier.

For the rest of the week I probably won't be posting anything, but be prepared because starting February 1st i'm hoping to have lots to share and talk about. 

If you have any great lesson plans for third grade or block teaching advice I would love to hear it, thanks!

(also I just wanted to say thank you to the great ladies at SITS, the comments have really pushed me to keep this blog going and motivate me to write again).


  1. Your schedule sounds so busy! Phew! :o)

    p.s. Stopping by to say welcome to the SITS community!

  2. What a great experience~ have fun!

    Welcome to SITS!

    I'm hosting a great giveaway..come on over. :D
